Breakfast (zajtrk) is usually included in the price of a hotel room and consists of bread / bread rolls (kruh/žemlje), butter (surovo maslo), and jam (marmelada), served with coffee (kava) and milk or tea. You can ask that breakfast be brought to your room or have it in the dining room.

I would like to have breakfast for two.
Zajtrk za dva, prosim.
The room number is twenty.
Soba dvajset.
One coffee with milk and one tea, plain.
Eno belo kavo in en čaj brez.

eggs sunny side up jajca na oko
eggs with ham/bacon jajca s šunko / jajca s slanino
soft boiled egg mehko kuhano jajce
scrambled eggs zmešana jajca

Some gostilnas open early to accomodate people going to work. There you may order:

yogurt jogurt
(cold) milk (hladno) mleko
strudel zavitek/štrudelj (coll.)
raised doughnut krof
tea with lemon/rum/milk čaj z limono /
     čaj z rumom /
     čaj z mlekom

bread roll žemljo
croissant kifeljček
cold sandwich sendvič

Espresso is the type of coffee most commonly served. Turkish coffee is also served, especially in the absence of an espresso machine. The way to order is:

coffee (you will get
demi-tasse espresso) kavo
coffee (regular cup) dvojno kavo
cappuccino kapucinarja
ice coffee ledeno kavo

With whipped cream?
S smetano?
Yes, please. / No, without.
/ Brez.


Around 10 p.m. people take a snack (malica/prigrizek), which for some may be breakfast and for others already lunch. At this time hot dishes are served in snack bars (buffet/bife/okrepčevalnica/bistro). You can order:

ham sandwich žemljo s šunko
hot dog hrenovko
(Carniolan) sausage (kranjsko) klobaso
small/large beer malo pivo / veliko pivo
local cola drink kokto
coca-cola kokakolo

Local people may eat more hearty dishes since their next meal is likely to be around 3 p.m. or later when they return home from work. For example:

small/large portion of tripe male vampe / velike vampe
barley stew with smoked pork ribs ričet
sauerkraut, beans, and potatoes joto
chicken or beef stew paprikaš
goulash golaž
Serbian bean stew pasulj
spaghetti špagete
chicken or veal soup obaro

As a rule you pay after eating. Remember to tell the waitress how many slices of bread you have eaten:

One slice of bread. / Two slices of bread.
En kos kruha. / Dva kosa kruha.

Also around 10 a.m. those who are taking it easy go to a slaščičarna (pastry shop) or kavarna (Viennese-type coffee shop) to enjoy:

cake torto
cream puff / custard pastry kremno rezino
fruit juice sok
cocoa kakav
coffee with whipped cream kavico s smetano

At outdoor stands you can buy:

frank with mustard hrenovko z gorčico
hot dog with red pepper relish hot dog z ajvarjem
French fries pomfri
burek (a baked cheese pastry) burek
roasted chestnuts kostanj (in season)
ice cream sladoled


Restaurants (restavracija/gostilna) are open for lunch (kosilo) between 12 and 3 p.m. You can also have lunch in snack bars and pizzerias. Dinner (večerja) is served between 6 and 9 p.m. Many gostilnas are closed Mondays or Tuesdays.

On a restaurant menu (jedilni list) you may find in addition to a la carte dishes (jedi po naročilu) one or more specials (menu I, II, etc.) Better restaurants will have a separate wine list (vinska karta). Slovenians going out to gostilna just for a drink do not split the cost, one picks up the tab. At lunch, one person generally pays for the wine. A tip is appropriate for good service. A small tip is expected in restrooms with an attendant.

Can you recommend a good restaurant?
Katero dobro gostilno priporočate?
Is this table/seat vacant?
Je tu še prosto?
Do you mind sharing the table?
Smem prisesti?
Half-a-liter of red/white wine.
Pol litra črnega (vina). / Pol litra belega (vina).
Sorry, in the dining room beverages are served with meals only.
Oprostite, v restavraciji samo pijače ne strežemo.
Can I see the menu?
Imate jedilni list?
What will you have?
Kaj boste? / Želite, prosim? / (S čim) vam smem postreči?
What will you have to drink?
Boste kaj pili? / Kaj boste pili?
What do you recommend?
Kaj priporočate?
A traditional Slovenian meal.
Tradicionalno slovensko kosilo.
Bring me/us a specialty of the house.
Prinesite mi kakšno hišno specialiteto. /
Prinesite nam kakšno hišno specialiteto.
I would like ...
Rad bi ... / Rada bi (f.) ...
We don't have any.
What is »Wienerschnitzel«?
Kaj je to »dunajski zrezek«?
I can't have much fat.
Ne sme biti premastno.
You can have grilled meat.
Lahko dobite meso na žaru.
Well done, medium, rare?
Zapečeno, srednje zapečeno, še malo krvavo?
Would you like anything else?
(Želite) še kaj?
No, thanks.
Ne, hvala.
Is this all?
Je to vse?
Yes, that's all.
Ja, to je vse.

Bon apetit!
Dober tek!
Hvala, enako.
Na zdravje!
(Literally: To your health!)

Was it to your satisfaction?
Ste zadovoljni?
Everything was very good.
Zelo dobro je bilo.
This is cold.
Tole je mrzlo.
It's very good.
Prav dobro je.
Could I have another plate?
Lahko dobim še en krožnik?
Could we have more bread?
Lahko dobimo še kruha?
Could we have some ice?
Lahko dobimo kaj ledu?
Could I have another bottle of wine?
Lahko dobim še eno steklenico vina?

Pizzas are usually consumed with beer:

One pizza. / Two pizzas. / Three pizzas.
Eno pico. / Dve pici. / Tri pice.

with olives z olivami
with mushrooms z gobami
with egg z jajcem
with hamm s šunko
One beer. / Two beers. / Three beers.
Eno pivo. / Dve pivi. / Tri piva.
Waiter/Miss, the check please.
Natakar, plačam. /
Gospodična, plačam.
(Literally: I'll pay.)
Is this together or separate?
Skupaj ali posebej?
Where's the restroom?
Kje imate stranišče?

DANES PRIPOROČAMO Today's specials

Dishes are usually grouped under the following headings:

Hladne predjedi Cold appetizers
Juhe Soups
Tople predjedi Warm appetizers
Pripravljene jedi Ready to serve dishes
Jedi po naročilu Dishes prepared to order
Ribe Fish
Prikuhe Vegetables
Solate Salads
Sladice Desserts
Siri/Sadje Cheeses/Fruit


Soup is usually the first course of a meal. For somewhat special occasions or when eating out, soup is either replaced or preceded by an appetizer. This could be a plate of kraški pršut (thinly sliced dried ham): you may be familiar with the Italian prosciutto, but note that the best such air-dried ham comes from the Kras, an area north of Trieste, known for its dry wind burja. The same area produces a purple-red wine called teran, which goes especially well with pršut. Other very good appetizers are domača salama (home-style salami), šunka (boiled ham), and želodec (slices of large pork sausage). While visiting relatives or friends you may be offered such smoked meats, called narezek, served with wine, any time during the afternoon or evening.

domača šunka s hrenom home-cured ham with horseradish
tatarski biftek beefsteak tartare
govedina v solati beef vinaigrette
francoska solata cubed potatoes and vegetables with mayonnaise
bohinjski sir Bohinj cheese
riba v marinadi marinated fish


The most commonly consumed soup is beef or chicken broth with egg noodles (rezanci) or other additions (zakuhe). Thick chicken or veal soup (obara, or. coll. ajmoht) can be a meal in itself. Obara is akin to Creole chicken-gumbo, however, without okra (see further on for the recipe). I would suggest you try gobova juha v krušni skodeli (mushroom soup in a bowl made of bread).

kokošja juha chicken broth
goveja juha beef broth
kostna juha bone soup
z domačimi rezanci with home-made noodles
z zdrobovimi žličniki with farina dumplings
z vraničnimi cmoki with spleen dumplings
gobova juha cream of mushroom soup
prežganka browned flour soup
obara gravy soup
blejska/bohinjska juha soup Bled/Bohinj fashion
kremna juha cream of vegetables soup
paradižnikova juha tomato soup
porova juha leek soup
fižolova juha kidney-bean soup
grahova juha pea soup


Pork and beef are the most commonly consumed meats (meso). Veal is the most appreciated. Viennese breaded cutlet (dunajski zrezek), which used to be made with veal, is now made with pork or turkey. Breaded or plain cutlets remain the staple fare of most restaurants. As elsewhere on the Continent, organ meats (kidneys, liver, etc.) are consumed with gusto. Deer (srna or jelen), usually prepared with sauce and served with wild cranberries (brusnice), is among the most popular game dishes, as well as divjačinski golaž made of bear meat. Some restaurants serve steaks made from the meat of colt (žrebičkov zrezek).

svinjski zrezek pork cutlet
telečji zrezek veal cutlet
pariški zrezek cutlet fried in egg batter (literally: Paris style cutlet)
ljubljanski zrezek breaded cutlet with cheese (literally: Ljubljana style cutlet)
naravni zrezek plain cutlet
meso na žaru grilled/barbecued meats
biftek beefsteak
ražnjiči shishkebob
čevapčiči spicy meatballs combining beaf, pork, and lamb
svinjska pečenka/zarebrnica pork roast
na lovski način in the hunter's style
v omaki in sauce
ocvrt/pohan piščanec fried/breaded chicken
pečena piška baked/roasted chicken
dušena divjačina stewed or braised game
polnjen/nadevan zajec stuffed rabbit
pljučna pečenka beef fillet/tenderloin
bržola braised beef
odojek/jagnje/vol suckling pig/mutton/ox
na ražnju on the spit
krača shank
kranjska klobasa Carniolan sausage
domača salama home-made sausage
pečenica bratwurst
krvavica blood sausage
kmečka pojedina a plate of assorted smoked meats with sauerkraut (literally: farmer's feast)
segedin golaž goulash with sauerkraut
sarma cabbage rolls
polnjena paprika stuffed bell pepper
rižota risotto
bujta repa Prekmurje-style sour turnips with pork
jezik tongue
telečje ledvice v omaki stewed veal kidney
suha rebrca smoked pork ribs, served boiled
puran turkey
fazan pheasant
gos/raca goose/duck


Trout (postrv) is the fish you are most likely to find on restaurant menus in the Alpine part of Slovenia. In a number of these restaurants live trout are displayed in glass tanks and priced by weight. Trout is served boiled (kuhana postrv) or pan-fried (pečena postrv). Restaurants along the coast offer a good selection of fresh seafood.

osličev file hake fillet
na tržaški način pan-fried a la Trieste
kalamari/lignji squid
sardele sardines
ciplji mullet
skuše mackerel
v marinadi marinated
zobatec dentex
školjke mussels/clams/etc.
ocvrti žabji kraki fried frog legs
raki crayfish
sipa cuttle-fish
ostrige oysters
jastog lobster
brodet fish soup
tuna tunny
škampi scampi


The salad (solata) is eaten with the main dish, rather than as an appetizer. It has to be ordered unless it is shown on the menu as included with the meal, for example, in a special. The dressing is oil (olje) and vinegar (kis). Tomato, bean, cucumber, and potato salads are usually served with slices of red onion. If you prefer your salad without onion, say: Brez čebule, prosim. Radič, a leaf salad of green or red color with a slightly bitter taste, is much appreciated. During the winter farmers grow it in their barns.

zelena solata lettuce
zeljnata solata shredded cabbage salad
stročji fižol v solati string beans salad
paradižnikova solata tomato salad
srbska solata Serbian salad: tomatoes & green pepper
fižolova solata kidney-bean salad
kisle kumarice dill pickles / cornichons
mešana solata mixed salad
krompirjeva solata potato salad
radič radicchio
kumare cucumber salad
motovilec corn salad
rdeča pesa red beets
redkvice radishes
paprika green pepper


In addition to potatoes, various flour or meal-based dishes are served with certain meats. Thus, the traditional žganci (shredded spoon bread) may be served along with obara, and polenta with goulash. When eaten as a main dish, žganci are topped with cracklings/drippings and served with sauerkraut, salad, or even milk. Chive dumplings (drobnjakovi štruklji), made from rolled dough and filled with cottage cheese and chives, are another Slovenian dish. Game and other meats in sauce are usually served with bread dumplings (kruhovi cmoki).

pražen krompir hashed brown potatoes
pire krompir mashed potatoes
pomfri French fries
krompir v oblicah potatoes in their jackets/skins
z ocvirki / s čebulo with cracklings / with onion
krompir s peteršiljem parsley potatoes
krompirjevi cmoki potato dumplings
riž z žafranom saffron rice
gobova rižota mushroom risotto
špageti spaghetti
testenine/mlinci pasta
ajdovi/koruzni žganci buckwheat/corn žganci
dödöli Prekmurje-style žganci


The variety of available fresh vegetables (zelenjava) can be best appreciated by taking a morning stroll through the Ljubljana farmers' market (tržnica) adjoining the cathedral. A special treat are wild mushrooms, which have been carefully inspected. Many families grow their own vegetables, even in urban areas. Sauerkraut (kislo zelje) and similarly preserved shredded turnips (kisla repa) are popular during the winter.

(stročji) fižol (string) beans
kitajsko zelje Chinese cabbage
(posiljeno) zelje (stewed) cabbage
kislo zelje sauerkraut
kisla/sladka repa sour/sweet turnips
brstični ohrovt Brussel sprouts
cvetača/karfijola cauliflower
paradižnikova omaka tomato sauce
čebulna omaka onion sauce
vinska omaka wine sauce
gobe v omaki mushrooms in sauce
grah sweet peas
špinača spinach
korenje carrots
bučke squash
koleraba kohlrabi
ohrovt kale


The best known traditional Slovenian pastry is potica: baked from raised, rolled dough, it contains walnut, raisin or other filling (see the recipe). Other popular desserts are strudel and palačinke (thin pancakes, usually filled with jam or nuts and topped with chocolate; see the recipe). Some sweet dishes can be meals in themselves, such as češpljevi cmoki (plum dumplings), orehovi/pehtranovi štruklji (walnut/tarragon rolled dumplings; see the recipe) and cesarski praženec, coll. šmoren (shredded pancake with raisins). The latter is usually served with stewed or canned fruit. A number of private pastry shops in Slovenia is operated by Albanians. They make Slovenian-style pastry, their own traditional sweets (for example, baklava), and ice cream (sladoled).

orehova/pehtranova potica walnut/tarragon potica
rozinova/drobnjakova potica raisin/chive potica
ocvirkovka potica with cracklings/drippings
šarkelj molded cake with raisins
sirovi štruklji cheese rolled dumplings
pohorska omleta omelette with whipped cream and fruit
prekmurska gibanica flaky pastry with poppy seed, walnut, apple, and cheese filling
krofi raised doughnuts
flancati deep fried pastry
kremne rezine / kremšnite (coll.) custard pastry
jabolčni/sirov zavitek apple/cheese strudel
mali loški kruhek gingerbread cookie from Škofja Loka
buhteljni sweet rolls
torta torte
pita pie
čežana applesauce
sadna kupa fruit with whipped cream
puding pudding
breskov kompot canned peaches
češpljev kompot stewed plums
čokoladni/vanilijev sladoled chocolate/vanilla ice cream


In Slovenia people usually drink wine or beer with their meals. Children drink juices or soft drinks. As elsewhere in Europe, it is not customary to drink coffee, milk or water during meals. A demi-tasse of coffee is served after lunch. If you want water, say: Navadno vodo (tap water), or: Radensko (a popular brand of mineral sparkling water). Coca-cola is served with a slice of lemon, but without ice. If you want some, say: Z ledom (with ice). A very refreshing fruit drink malinovec is made from raspberries. Malinovec syrup is sold in supermarkets, but if you are lucky enough to taste it home-made, it is even better. Home-made, too, is the syrup from ribez (red currant). A beverage made from elder blossoms is called šabesa. Farmers press apples for apple cider (jabolčnik). When fermented, it is called mošt. A fermented beverage made from honey is called medica. Various herb and flower teas are popular beverages consumed at home. Most of them are used for medicinal purposes. Your relatives or friends will know which one is good for what ails you.

I would like ...
Prosim ...

apricot juice marelični sok
blueberry juice borovničev sok
orange juice pomarančni sok
strawberry juice jagodov sok
peach juice breskov sok
tonic water tonik
orange drink oranžado
lemonade limonado
mineral water mineralno vodo
Radenska mineral water radensko
diet lemon/orange/etc. drink stil
glass / one liter of Radenska dva deci radenske /
                                 liter radenske

coffee with whipped cream kavo s smetano
mountain flower tea planinski čaj
linden blossom tea lipov čaj
glass of water kozarec vode
black tea ruski čaj
camomile tea kamilice
herb tea zeliščni čaj
cafe au lait belo kavo
demi-tasse kavo


Slovenia has three wine growing regions: the Coastland (Primorska), Styria (Štajerska), and Lower Carniola (Dolenjska). The Coastland is known for its full-bodied red wines: refošk, kabernet, barbera, teran, and merlot. They are served at room temperature and complement beef, reachly seasoned cheeses, and highly spiced foods. Rebula, beli pinot, and malvazija are white wines. They go well with seafood. Well chilled, most white wines can be served as a spritzer (brizganec / coll. špricar) with ½ wine and ½ club soda. Styria, particulary the area east of Maribor, produces excellent white wines: ljutomerčan, šipon, traminec, laški rizling, and sauvignon. These wines are good with cold cuts and fowl, also very popular on an evening out. Lower Carniola is best known for its light red wine cviček. It is high in acidity and goes well with smoked meats and sausages (kranjske klobase).

I would like ...
Rad bi ... / Rada bi (f.) ...

one liter of white wine liter belega (vina)
one glass of red wine dva deci črnega (vina)
bottle of Merlot buteljko merlota
half a liter of spiced wine pol litra kuhanega (vina)

arhivsko vino vintage wine
buteljčno vino quality wine
namizno vino table wine
peneče vino sparkling wine
desertno vino sweet wine

Do you have a house wine?
Imate domače vino?
Shall we have another liter?
Bomo še en liter?
It's my turn now.
Zdaj sem jaz na vrsti.
Once more the same, please.
Še enkrat isto, prosim.
Na zdravje!

Every summer an international wine fair (vinski sejem) is held in Ljubljana. There you can sample wines and enjoy local dishes. St. Martin's day (November 11) is the feast of the new wine. Roasted goose is the traditional meal of the day. Find more on wine at


Hops (hmelj) grown in the Savinja Valley, east of Celje, are used by Slovenian breweries: Union in Ljubljana, Zlatorog in Laško and other smaller. Because of their high quality, hops from Slovenia are sought after by German and other brewers. Beer is sold in supermarkets in ½ liter returnable bottles and in 0.33 liter bottles or cans. Most gostilnas and snack bars (bife) serve draft beer (točeno pivo).

Do you have dark beer?
Imate temno pivo?
On tap or bottled?
Točeno ali v steklenici?


Farmers distill very potent brandy (žganje) from apples, plums, and cherries. Herb brandies are popular as home medicine, especialy for stomach cramps. Brandies from the Charterhouse of Pleterje are available commercially under the Pleterski brand. One of their specialities is viljamovka (William pear brandy). When pears start to form on the tree, select ones are inserted into a clear bottle attached to the branch. At maturity the bottle is filled with brandy and allowed to age. The pear inside gives the brandy its special taste.

ŽGANE PIJAČE Distilled alcoholic beverages

apple brandy sadjevec
plum brandy slivovka
juniper brandy brinjevec
cherry brandy / kirsch češnjevec
herb liqueur tavžentroža
wine brandy vinjak
cognac konjak
grog kuhano žganje
liqueur liker
bitters pelinkovec

Ask for whiskey, gin, etc. by their original name at a bar or store.

Whiskey on the rocks.
Viski z ledom.
Whiskey and soda, please.
Viski s sodo, prosim.